list of contributors

The following is a (sporadically updated) list of past contributors to phonoloblog, in alphabetical order, with links to their posts and personal websites.

Adam Albright, MIT posts, website
Eric Baković, UCSD posts, website
Travis Bradley, UC Davis posts, website
Lisa Davidson, NYU posts, website
Paul de Lacy, Rutgers posts, website
Darin Flynn, Calgary posts, website
Matt Goldrick, Northwestern posts, website
Bruce Hayes, UCLA posts, website
Daniel C. Hall, Toronto posts, website
Nancy Hall, Haifa posts, website
Edward Keer posts, website
Bob Kennedy, UCSB/ISBER posts, website
John Kingston, UMass posts, website
Mark Liberman, UPenn/LDC posts, website
Geoff Nathan, Wayne State posts, website
Andrew Nevins, Harvard posts, website
Marc van Oostendorp, Meertens Institute posts, website
Joe Pater, UMass posts, website
Charles Reiss, Concordia posts, website
David Romano posts, website
Sharon Rose, UCSD posts, website
Philip Spaelti, Kobe Shoin posts, website
Rick Wojcik, Boeing posts, website
Kie Zuraw, UCLA posts, website