Category Archives: UCSD

How WebCT software sucks

This is a persistent blog entry that I’ll keep editing to collect examples of how terrible WebCT software is.  It also serves as a memory for myself (and perhaps an FAQ for other hapless faculty) as to how to work around WebCT’s innumerable gotchas.  Though it is useful for a few things — such as […]

A primer on the UC budget crisis (written for UC students)

Here are some slides that I wrote on the current UC budget crisis — what it is, how we (and the state of California) got to where it is now, why you (the student) should care, and what you can do about it.  My goal is to be informative rather than polemic — the underlying […]

What Proposition 13 has cost California

Over the past several weeks there’s been a lot of talk in the media and at the University of California about the origins of the current budget crisis.  One of the prime suspects has been Proposition 13, which passed in 1978 and capped real estate taxes by limiting appreciation of the base for property taxes […]

UCSD well represented at CUNY Sentence Processing Conference!

The CUNY 2009 conference schedule came out a few days ago, and UCSD is pretty well represented among the talks (this is a single-track conference).  Here are some quick numbers: UCSD: 4 Rochester:4 MIT:2 Dundee:2 USC:2 Glasgow:2 Stanford: 2 MPI – Nijmegen: 2 UC Davis: 1 Wisconsin: 1 UMass: 1 UIUC: 1 Ohio State: 1 […]

Good showing for UCSD at LSA

Looking at the preliminary program for the annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America shows terrific representation by UC San Diego: nine presentations (out of a total 300) are by UCSD-affiliated researchers.  Among other things, this number is ahead of UC Santa Cruz (with four), MIT (five), UMass (also five), and UCLA (seven), tied […]