Author Archives

There are more wackos out there than we think

Backdrop: Gabrielle Giffords was shot today in Tucson. So I walk into this taco shop this afternoon to get a burrito.  At the ordering counter is a white guy, maybe late 50s, white-haired in a Harvard sweatshirt and horn-rimmed glasses.  Seems mild-mannered enough. He’s talking in crap Spanish to the staff, and I recognize that […]

Avoid forgetting to send attachments in

It can’t read your mind, but attachment Scanner Plugin for is available here and will catch you some of the time 🙂

Mmm, middle click for trackpad under OS X

Incredibly useful for Firefox and X11:

Public support for tax cuts, and David Brooks’ social science naivete

David Brooks has just written approvingly of Obama’s capitulation to Republicans on tax cuts for the wealthy.  He cites the most recent Gallup poll’s estimate that 67% of independents and 52% of Democrats support extending all the tax cuts.  (In this poll, the average support over all political persuasions was 66%.) But you would think […]

Why do millionaires need another $139K? — and this chart says it all:

How WebCT software sucks

This is a persistent blog entry that I’ll keep editing to collect examples of how terrible WebCT software is.  It also serves as a memory for myself (and perhaps an FAQ for other hapless faculty) as to how to work around WebCT’s innumerable gotchas.  Though it is useful for a few things — such as […]

cacheSweave heads-up

I love Sweave for writing LaTeX documents with embedded R code, and R’s cacheSweave package helps tremendously in avoiding repetition of time-consuming computations.  (Thank you, Roger Peng, for writing cacheSweave!)  One catch that is evident from a careful perusal of the cacheSweave vignette but which I keep forgetting is that cacheSweave will not cache R […]

R sub() backslash gotcha

One of the things I do to my Sweave output is to make scientific notation more transparent.  I have a special R function for this which I use in my Sweave documents: myFormat <- function(…) { tmp <- format(…) return(sub(“e(.*)”,”\\\\\\\\times 10^{\\1}”,tmp)) } Note in particular the ridiculous number of backslashes required in the call to […]

A better way to get APA citation style in LaTeX

Earlier I posted on combining natbib and apacite to approximate APA citation style. Well, I became aware that this approach doesn’t handle the rule that in-text citations should be “AuthorA and AuthorB (year)” whereas parenthetical citations “(AuthorA & AuthorB, year)”. I can’t figure out how to get this to work while using natbib. So I’ve […]

Getting the longnamesfirst option to work with natbib in LaTeX

I publish in a number of journals that use the rules of APA style.  I prefer to write my papers in LaTeX, and to use BibTeX together natbib to manage citations and bibliographic references.  One of the rules of APA style says that the first citation of a bibliographic reference must be the “long” citation […]