
Inter-campus workshops are one of the key components of the collaboratory. Through workshops, CoLED members at participating UC Campuses come together, share problems, ideas, modes of working, concerns, activities, and scholarship with one another.

The workshop offers a platform for small-group, in-person exchange that builds relationships between colleagues thinking about innovations in ethnographic design who may otherwise never meet face-to-face.

The CoLED workshop series fosters a supportive and playful environment in which graduate students and faculty can engage in speculative and experimental modes of thinking. The workshop space is self-purportedly resistant to “traditional” modes of academic exchange, such as roundtables and papers, and instead centers on interactive modes of sharing and exploring experimental methodologies through movement, performance, and experimentation. At CoLED workshops, knowledge production and community-building emerges through ritual action, play, performance, and movement. A segment of each workshop is devoted to planning future workshops and conferences.

Spring 2015 Workshop at UC San Diego: Designing CoLED

Fall 2015 Workshop at UC Irvine: Formal Play

Winter 2016 Workshop at UC Davis: Ethnography Post-Writing

Spring 2016 Workshop at UC San Diego