The schedule for the spring workshop is here!

The Moment of Engagement
A CoLED Workshop at UCSD June 9-10, 2016

A tarot card titled THE LISTENER shows a person sitting up in bed against a black background with a series of swords horizontally arranged across the background.

Thursday, June 9th

The Thursday workshop will take place at Martin Johnson House
a UCSD venue on the cliffs at the Scripps Institute for Oceanography

Breakfast and Welcome
Joe Hankins

Warm-up: Live Ethnographic Role Playing “LERPing”
Joe Hankins


Workshop I
Cassandra Hartblay

In this workshop, we will play a game of hermeneutic telephone, perpending the ways that meaning, performance, and interpretation shift through the form of recording: handwritten notes, audio recording, transcription of audio recording, performance of transcribed text, and permutations in-between and beyond. We will also investigate the ways that styles and practices of transcription – traditional social science notations, linguistic notations, ethnopoetic transcription, or performance script style transcription – each open different potential interpretations of a transcribed text – and the possibilities for its potential lives. Please come prepared with a notebook and pen, laptop, and device for audio recording.

Please bring a handheld device that functions as a digital recorder, a notebook and pen, and a laptop.

Optional readings (as linked PDFs): Manual_on_transcription; Turner and Turner “Performing Ethnography”; Annie Baker “The Aliens” Frontmatter & Scene 1; Example Ethnopoetic Transcription


Workshop II
Yelena Gluzman, Christina Aushana, Sal Zárate

This session is about creating scores — prompts for interaction — for future Encounters. In our previous workshops, we explored various methods of encountering people, ideas, texts, and sensory experience. In this session, we will begin with a short discussion of some insights and hopes that arose from these previous workshops, including ways to choreograph hallway interactions, ways to include interlocutors who will not be present, and ways to make visible and actionable some of the usually-tacit premises of ethnographic encounters. The central question of this session is how to incorporate such aims into the overarching activities and structures of the upcoming Ethnography and Design conference. We will break out into working groups to explore and pilot concrete methods that could be deployed for the conference.

Joe Hankins

Friday, June 10th
The Friday workshop will take place in the Spiro Library, UCSD Department of Anthropology, Social Sciences Building (SSB), 2nd Floor

Live Ethnographic Role Playing Introduction
Christina Aushana and Yelena Gluzman

9:30am – 12:00pm
Workshop I: Conference Planning
Cassandra Hartblay, Yelena Gluzman, Christina Aushana, and Joe Hankins

This workshop session will offer an overview of the planned schedule and invited guests attending the CoLED fall conference.  After reviewing conference committee work to date and visiting the conference venue, CoLEDers will work in breakout groups to work on conference programming, communications, and the conference publication.

MCC Building Room 201

Workshop II: Designing CoLED 2.0
Joe Hankins, and Cassandra Hartblay
This session will update workshop participants on the status of the CoLED MPRI grant, review CoLED’s work to date, and discuss the next phase of MRPI renewal process.

CoLED Year End Backyard BBQ
at Cassandra Hartblay and Lilly Irani’s house
Dinner catered by Mama’s Bakery and Lebanese Deli