“How to Teach Your Dog to ‘Talk’ at the Touch of a Button” – The Wildest

“From a scientific point of view, if we said this 40 years ago, people would think us…crazy. We had no reason to believe [that pets could communicate with us],” says Dr. Federico Rossano. “But in 2020, we have enough scientific evidence that says dogs are better at understanding communicative signals from humans than chimpanzees.” Don’tContinue reading ““How to Teach Your Dog to ‘Talk’ at the Touch of a Button” – The Wildest”

“…learn more about our pets’ secret lives” – Business Insider

Check out this article about Bunny and our dog study by Business Insider: Bunny, a dog who can communicate using sound-making buttons, has over 5.7 million followers on TikTok. Her owner, Alexis Devine, frequently posts videos showing her dog ‘talking’ to her. Scientists at the University of California, San Diego, are observing Bunny to seeContinue reading ““…learn more about our pets’ secret lives” – Business Insider”