Initiatives in Our Network

An arrangement of purple, green, light blue, and yellow post-its on a white background is criscrossed with yellow and red tape and ribbon, connecting ideas jotted on notes at opposite ends of the mass of notes. The UC Collaboratory for Ethnographic Design links centers, groups, and initiatives on UC campuses around the state that consider, evaluate, and experiment with ethnographic methods.

Studio for Ethnographic Design (SED) (UC San Diego)

Center for Ethnography (UC Irvine)

Part.Lab (UC Los Angeles)

Ethno Fab Lab (link coming soon!)

Institute for Money, Technology and Financial Inclusion (UC Irvine)

Future of Money Research Collaborative (UC Irvine)

Community Knowledge Project (UC Irvine)

Sawyer Seminar: Indigenous Cosmopolitics (UC Davis)

ASPIRE: Academy for Social Purpose in Responsible Entertainment (UC Los Angeles)